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ESC Burned :( !!!!

From: Jose R.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 11:15 AM
So i had just finished the buildout on the S500 frame and was testing the wiring and direction of the motors.

I have an APM 2.6 and it would not let me arm. i was able to initially plug in one motor at a time to chan 3 of the apm and go through the manual arming process to get know if they were correctly wired.

originally i thought that the apm was not arming because of gps issues (alt hold error and gpos error) shown on the PC version of planner but i then connected the apm to my nexus tablet and got a battery low error.  i have a power module 1.0 so i went into planner and manually set the checked power and amp. and was able to arm from the tablet.

i arm the motors and begin a test to see if they are rotating correctl, 3 of my motors started moving while the throttle was at zero and the fourth started randomly shaking and I begin to see smoke from one of the escs!!!
i did move the throttle to 10% and the 3 motors did throttle up but they never stopped.

I unplugged the battery and verify all my connections but everything seems fine.  i still have no idea why it burned out.

any ideas?

these are the motors:

these are the esc:

i have a 5000mah 3c battery

everything was brand new.

photos of esc attached



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