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Re: [NYC-NJDUG] ESC Burned :( !!!!

From: Ekostakis
Sent on: Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 12:26 PM

Jose, there are a couple of things  that may have caused this to happen.
To narrow down I need to know some things. 
1) did you bench test esc with motor not connected through flight controller? (This is when you should have set your throttle end points) did this esc ever turn a motor correctly before installing it on frame with flight controller?
2) when exactly did you see the smoke?  Was it when you plugged in your battery? Or when you tried to spin up motors?
3) please go back and check the polarity connections on the esc.  A burned esc without having it work at its max amperage is usually either a polarity issue or the esc was faulty from factory as is possible because while they are pretty good, they are made very cheap. 
is this your first build?
You have gone from maiden flight to investigating and while this part of multirotors is often frustrating there is alot to be learned.
Let me know
Talk soon

Edward "El PaDrone" Kostakis
Xizmo Media
Producer/Creative Director/Multirotor Pilot


On Apr 22,[masked]:20 AM, "Jose Restrepo" <[address removed]> wrote:
So i had just finished the buildout on the S500 frame and was testing the wiring and direction of the motors.

I have an APM 2.6 and it would not let me arm. i was able to initially plug in one motor at a time to chan 3 of the apm and go through the manual arming process to get know if they were correctly wired.

originally i thought that the apm was not arming because of gps issues (alt hold error and gpos error) shown on the PC version of planner but i then connected the apm to my nexus tablet and got a battery low error.  i have a power module 1.0 so i went into planner and manually set the checked power and amp. and was able to arm from the tablet.

i arm the motors and begin a test to see if they are rotating correctl, 3 of my motors started moving while the throttle was at zero and the fourth started randomly shaking and I begin to see smoke from one of the escs!!!
i did move the throttle to 10% and the 3 motors did throttle up but they never stopped.

I unplugged the battery and verify all my connections but everything seems fine.  i still have no idea why it burned out.

any ideas?

these are the motors:

these are the esc:

i have a 5000mah 3c battery

everything was brand new.

photos of esc attached



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