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New Meetup: The Basics for Beginners Impromptu jam this Sat

From: Makalina
Sent on: Tuesday, November 23, 2010, 12:36 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The New York City Ukulele Meetup Group!

What: The Basics for Beginners Impromptu jam this Sat

When: Saturday, November 27,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Maui Tacos
330 5th Ave.
New York, NY 10001

If any newbies, noobs, beginners are in town this Sat.....we are having a get together at the Uke Hut to learn chording, strumming and try out a if you want to stop by.....bring one or two pieces of music you want to play and have people play along with you. Don't forget to bring your uke!

Please rsvp so we'll have a count.......

There will be a donation bucket we'll pass around to help us out.....

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