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Camp Oo-Koo-Lay-Lay in California

From: Elaine d.
Sent on: Monday, May 7, 2012, 3:14 PM

Hey Everyone,

 Just wanted to make sure you all knew about the new Camp Oo-Koo-Lay-Lay options.

 First of all, there's still time to register for Camp OoKooLayLay, the only ukulele summer camp in the beautful Sierra Mountains of California. 

 We have also added Heidi Swedburg (aka George Costanza's ill-fated, envelope-licking fiance, Susan, from Seinfeld) has joined the faculty to teach ukulele workshops (what else do you do after you die on Seinfeld?) and lead her own special brand of Sukey Jump Music!

 And, lastly, the camp now offers flex stays, so you can come for as few or as many days as you'd like!

 What better way to spend a few days in August, than strumming your ukulele by the shores of Pinecrest Lake?  It'd make a great meet-up, too!

 Hope you can make it.

 Visit the website for more information:


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