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RE: [NYEdTech] Announcing the Ponder API V2

From: Alex S.
Sent on: Monday, May 18, 2015, 1:10 PM

Got a couple of questions on something I should have included in the first mail:


Ponder’s scaffold works across text and streaming video, providing a consistent experience for your learners as their inquiry and discussion expands across digital media.


The “content” reference below was meant to be inclusive rather than vague!


Thanks everyone!



From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Alex Selkirk
Sent: Monday, May 18,[masked]:21 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [NYEdTech] Announcing the Ponder API V2


Hello NYEdTechers –


I’m excited to announce the public release of Ponder’s V2 Platform APIs. V2 brings many enhancements to our white- and gray-label integration scenarios, and we are making it publicly available after working through V1 with our initial partners last year.


There’s more information and links to documentation here:


If you provide content to your users and are looking for a flexible discussion layer that scaffolds sophisticated discussion tied to your content, feel free to get in touch with me or reach out to our support team.




Ponder Gaeilge: Buail an iarann te!



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