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New Meetup: picnic & fireworks for July 4th

From: Rebecca
Sent on: Thursday, July 3, 2008, 12:48 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Nerd Fun - Boston!

What: picnic & fireworks for July 4th

When: July 4,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Meetup Description: Join me for a picnic in the grass on Friday evening, then we'll watch the fireworks together from the Boston side of the Charles River. We'll meet in a place that's both T-accessible and near Brookline, where drivers can park.

We'll have a potluck dinner (bring some food, and chip in a couple bucks for the plates & plasticwear I'll buy), then position ourselves in a good place for watching the show. If you have a portable radio, bring that as well so we can hear the Pops concert.

Bring a sweatshirt, a blanket for sitting on (if you want), and a deck of cards (for while we wait...)

I'll e-mail meeting directions to people who RSVP.
Note: I don't have a cell phone. So if you're late--you may have trouble finding us.

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