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New Event: Milford Drive-In

From: FAN A.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 3, 2007, 11:41 AM
Announcing a new event for Southern New Hampshire Singles Activity Club!

What: Milford Drive-In

When: Friday, April 13, 6:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: The Milford Drive-In Opens on Friday, April 13th, weather permitting. Next week when they post the movie schedule, I will update this event. You will need to bring a lawn chair, plenty of warm clothes and blankets and snacks if desired. The current forecast has a high of 50 and a low of 37 and no rain on that day.

Cost is only $20 per car load (up to 6 people/car) so we most definitely want to carpool!
The drive-in is only minutes from the Milford carpool location (other carpools possible), where you can also buy a pizza or sub, or buy other supplies at the supermarket.

The Milford carpool location is at the far end of the parking lot at:

21 Jones St.
Milford, NH 03055

After we park we'll get our chairs and coolers ready. The 1st movie actually starts around TBD.

Learn more here:

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