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New Meetup: Gunstock Ski Resort discount season pass sign-up event at Michael's Harborside

From: FAN A.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 9:49 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The FAN Alliance!

What: Gunstock Ski Resort discount season pass sign-up event at Michael's Harborside

When: October 4,[masked]:00 PM

Michaels Harborside
wharf+route 1
newburyport , MA 01950

Hey everyone!

Although it's still way too early to be thinking about snow, what better way to make the winter a lot warmer, friendlier, and fun than with season passes at a local ski resort! Make new friends this winter and join in! It doesn't matter if you're an expert or still trying to learn!

We will be meeting on Sunday, Oct. 4th at 5pm for an hour or so in Newburyport upstairs at the classy Michael's harborside and lounging on plush leather sofas and armchairs while we have this important round-table discussion (cash bar/appetizers/dinner available). If you can't make it to this event but you're interested in attending regular Trailblazer and Social Fun events at Gunstock Ski Area (Gilford, NH), please rsvp "yes" anyway so that you can be included in the following:

Opportunity to purchase one of two great early-bird passes being offered to us by Gunstock management. This is limited to 100 Trailblazer and Social Fun members. Outsiders will have to join Trailblazers or Social Fun before being included (deadline to purchase with discount is last week of October - 1st come 1st served).

The two passes available are:

1. MIDWEEK SEASON PASS - Costs us each only $239.00 ($289.00 for the general public) - $50.00 savings!

This midweek season pass includes Monday thru Friday unlimited daytime downhill skiing/snowboarding/x-country skiing/snowshoeing, Tuesday thru Friday night downhill skiing/snowboarding, and Wednesday night tubing at the Thrill Hill Tubing Park. Pass is good for the entire season (including holidays). Gunstock's season generally runs from 1st week of December '09 thru last week of March/1st week of April '10.

2. NIGHTS-ONLY SEASON PASS - costs us each only $189.00 ($219.00 for the general public) - $30.00 savings!

This nights-only season pass includes Tuesday thru Saturday unlimited night-time downhill skiing/snowboarding and Wednesday and Saturday night tubing at Thrill Hill Tubing Park. Pass is good for the entire season (including holidays).

PLEASE NOTE: Discounts are only available on the two passes just listed. If you want a full all-inclusive season pass that includes weekends or you want to buy individual day or night passes, you'll have to pay full price. Check the Gunstock website for details at

Resort stats:

- Gunstock is a 40 min. drive from Rochester/1 hr. from Portsmouth/1hr. 40 min. from Peabody, MA
- Total acreage - 220 (resort and glade)
- Vertical drop - 1400 feet
- Snowmaking coverage - 80%
- Average annual snowfall - 120 inches
- Number of trails - 51 (12% novice, 61% intermediate, 27% expert)
- Most difficult trail - Hotshot
- Longest run - 1.5 miles
- Number of lifts - 7 (1 highspeed quad, 1 quad, 2 triples, 1 double, 1 conveyer, 1 handle tow)
- Night skiing - 21 trails and 5 lifts (hours of night operation: Tu, Wed, Th (4-9pm); Fri, Sat (4-10pm)
- Snowboarding - All trails, freestyle terrain park and wall
- Tubing park - Thrill Hill Tubing Park - NH's longest tubing run! (825 ft, 4 chutes, 15% pitch)
- X-country and snowshoe trails - 50 km (groomed for both nordic and skate skiing) - Can even snowshoe with your leashed dog if you want!
- Eateries on property - 4 (Cobble Mountain Food Court, Sub Station, Powder Keg Bar & Grill, Panorama Pub)
- Pubs on property - 2 (Powder Keg Bar & Grill, Pistol Pub)

We're putting all the work into this so we can have a great group of people to enjoy winter sports with and help everyone save money at the same time!!

See you at Michael's!

Rich and Gretchen

Directions to Michael's Harborside:

- Take exit 57 off I-95
- Head east toward Newburyport. You will pass Shaw's Plaza.
- Continue past Newburyport High School and travel another 1/2 mile.
- After passing the Rt. 1 junction and passing St. Paul's Church, take a left onto Market St.
- Follow Market St. all the way down to the end.
- Michael's driveway will be across the street (sign will be on right).
- Follow the driveway all the way down to the water, find a parking spot, go inside, and join us upstairs!

Learn more here: