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RE: [salsa-13] B-day Celebration and Salsa Social!

From: Alex D
Sent on: Wednesday, April 11, 2007, 8:07 AM
With 1700 members in the NY Salsa meetup..   I'd expect  (1700 / 365) =   4.65  Salsa dancers to have their birthday on April 11th.  That still leaves 1.65 dancers left.  ;-)

Entry <[address removed]> wrote:
This is UNBELIEVABLE! Its my Birthday tomorrow too! Really no kidding! You look forward to meeting you guys.!!!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Lynn
Sent: Tuesday, April 10,[masked]:20 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [salsa-13] B-day Celebration and Salsa Social!

Happy Birthday!!!-

Wow, my birthday is also tomorrow, April 11!!  It is going to be my first birthday in NYC!!!



On 4/10/07, J. Antonio < [address removed]> wrote:
Hola todos.  First, my apologies for the mass-style email.  They're incredibly impersonal, and I'm not a big fan, HOWEVER, it can be (at times) efficient when it comes to spreading news.  That being said, I'm extending an invitation to you for my Birthday Celebration at BLVD Nightclub this Wednesday, April 11 th.  
At the risk of composing a long drawn out email, instead, please refer to my DJ website  and/or my myspace page at .  
My DJ website has a link for a reduced admission pass for that evening.  
Did I mention Happy Hour and Free open buffet from 5-7pm?  What about a live performance by " Los Hermanos Moreno"?  How about we cap that off with a special DJ set by me, of mind-altering Salsa?  Consider it mentioned.  :o)
In a nutshell, I'd love to see you there.  I have the center VIP section reserved, so locating each other should be fine.  We can renew acquaintances, stroll down memory lane, or just socialize for friendship sake.  
Looking forward?.
Tony aka  Dj J. ANTONIO

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This message was sent by J. Antonio (member profile: ) from The New York City Salsa Meetup Group.

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This message was sent by Lynn (member profile: from The New York City Salsa Meetup Group.

To unsubscribe from this list or to update your mailing list settings, visit your account page: Customer Service: [address removed]
632 Broadway New York NY 10012 USA

This message was sent by Entry (member profile: from The New York City Salsa Meetup Group.

To unsubscribe from this list or to update your mailing list settings, visit your account page: Customer Service: [address removed]
632 Broadway New York NY 10012 USA

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