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RSVP For Our Annual Holiday Bash, A Dance Party @ Culture Club!

From: Andy T.
Sent on: Thursday, December 5, 2013, 2:14 PM

Our Holiday Dance Party @ Culture Club, RSVP HERE!

Hello Everyone:

It’s that time of year again, so please join us on Friday, December 13th from 6-10 PM for our annual Holiday party, an 80’s retro dance party @ Culture Club!

We’ve had another great year, with a lot of great events!

They have  included:

* January: A Hurricane Sandy fundraiser featuring an appearance by actor Tony Ray Rossi (The Sopranos, Law And Order. Analyze This, Donnie Brasco!

* June: A Roman Gladiator & Goddess Party @ 230 5th in For The Hit TV Show “Cake Boss”, that is scheduled to air on TLC on Monday, February 3rd!

* October: Our 8th Annual Halloween Bash featuring celebrity judges; actors Vinny Vella(Casino, Analyze That, The Sopranos), Tony Ray Rossi(The Sopranos, Law And Order, Analyze This, Donnie Brasco) & filmmaker Ken Kushner!

And many, many more!

So let’s enjoy some Holiday cheer together @ NYC’s only 80s dance club!

See You There!





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