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Important Updates For Tonight’s Big Event (1200+ RSVPs!)

From: Andy T.
Sent on: Friday, May 17, 2013, 12:47 PM


Hello Everyone:

With over 1200 RSVPs & great weather tonight’s event will be something special!

 Here are a few important things to remember:

1)It will be held in 230 FIFTH's exclusive Empire Room which has its own private entrance to the roof!

2) When you enter the building, take the FRONT ELEVATORS to the Empire Room. There will be signs & staff to help direct you.

3)Since The Empire Room has a dance floor we’ve brought in  DJ Vinnie Campisi and turned this into a dance party!

4)We’ll have great drink specials including $7 red & white wine AND $8 vodka & rum well drinks!

This will be a great event in a space often used by celebrities that most people never see.

I hope you’ll join us!



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