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New Year's Eve Stand Up Comedy Shows

From: Joanna A.
Sent on: Monday, December 21, 2015, 3:44 PM

Hi there –
Here is information about five New Year’s Eve Stand Up Comedy Shows

New York Comedy Club -- 5:30 p.m.
Mark DeMayo - Showtime, Comedy Central
Gary Vider - America's Got Talent and Conan
Ryan Dacalos - Greenwich Village Comedy Club
Admission is $25 plus two drinks

Broadway Comedy Club – 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. show
Steve Marshall (Food Network)
Sue Costello (Fox)
Chips Cooney (America’s Got Talent)
Daniel Tirado (Comedy Central)

Admission is $25 plus two drinks at the 8 p.m. show

Admission is $35 plus two drinks for the 10 p.m. show
Note: there will be a champagne toast, party favors and complimentary tickets to an upcoming show 

Greenwich Village Comedy Club – 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. show
Larry Beyah
Mike Cannon (Comedy Central)
Teddy Smith (BET)
Jared Freid (MTV)
Anthony Kapfer (FOX)
Sara Armor (Comedy Central Comics to Watch)
Admission is $25 plus two drinks for the 8 p.m. show 

Admission is $35 plus two drinks for the 10 p.m. show
Note: there will be a champagne toast, party favors and complimentary tickets for an upcoming show


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