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Bob Seibel Died Yesterday

From: Chuck B.
Sent on: Friday, August 31, 2012, 3:34 PM
Hi - -

You know, or know of, Bob Seibel, who on April 30 moderated the panel discussion during the Dan Barker Weekend, and who organized the Believer Agnostic Atheist Study Group and planned and led many discussions over the past several years.  None of us, including Bob, suspected just four months ago that he would develop rapidly-spreading bone cancer.

If you come to the Fifth Friday Fellowship Film ("The Crucible" about the Salem Witch Trials) tonight at the Fellowship (7:00 Snack Potluck, 7:30 Movie, then Discussion), I'm sure we'll reminisce and trade stories about Bob.  The same may well happen this coming Sunday (Coffee 9:30, Service 10:00).  The theme will be Humor, the irony of which I'm sure Bob would appreciate.

        - - Chuck

Betsy & Chuck Berry
3606 S. Atherton Street, State College, PA[masked]
Email: [address removed]
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