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PA Humanist Atheist Conference Sept. 13-15

From: Chuck B.
Sent on: Thursday, July 11, 2013, 3:16 AM
Hi - -

Nittany Freethought is pleased to co-sponsor the Pennsylvania State Atheist/Humanist 2013 Conference on September 13, 14, and 15, 2013 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Tickets for the event and other details are available at:

Please plan to attend the Anti-Superstition Bash on Friday the 13th and stay the weekend for an impressive line-up of speakers, entertainers and workshops. This state conference is on par with national conferences and we are pleased to be included as one of the sponsors.

Discounted hotel rooms ($130 per night and includes happy hour, WIFI and breakfast) can be found at:

The Embassy Suites
9000 Bartram Ave.
Philadelphia, PA  19153

Use group code: 113 (Atheist and Humanist Conference)
Phone: (215)[masked]

I hope to see you there!  -- Chuck

Betsy & Chuck Berry
3606 S. Atherton Street, State College, PA[masked]
Email: [address removed]
Web site: