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What we’re about

This group was created to provide a local meetup for hobby and professional users of CNC machining equipment. 

We have members with a wide range of experience. Some are hobbyists who just bought a Shapeoko, ShopBot, Laser Cutter, or  3D printer and want to learn more about their new machine. Others are building their first CNC machines and want to learn more about stepper motors, breakout boards or can't decide whether too use Mach3 or LinuxCNC to control their machine. A few are professional machinists or owners of businesses that use or sell CNC equipment or services. All are CAD / CAM / CNC enthusiasts eager to learn, share ideas, and keep up with what's new.

We are associated with the Chesapeake Area Metalworking Society (CAMS) a local metalworking interest group that has been meeting since 1999. CAMS has a CNC special interest group active for more than 10 years.  This group is mainly used to announce the CAMS CNC meetings and provide a forum to discuss those meetings and share information.  More information about CAMS may be found online at

Over the past few years has brought us many new members shared their knowledge making the group better and better. Many new members comment on how much they have learned just by asking a few questions at their first event. We have an amazingly knowledgable group and I encourage you to join to become part of this community.

Upcoming events (4+)

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