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Join us for lunch on Wednesday at All Bar One in Norwich at 12.30pm

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, February 16, 2015, 9:36 AM

Hi All

The Norwich Tech Lunch is this Wednesday at All Bar One in Norwich at 12.30pm. Please RSVP here:

It's a relaxed and fun lunch with the chance to meet other developers and business leaders socially. Please do come along if you can.

NorDevCon is not far away - less than two weeks. The Early Bird ticket sales have ended, but you can still get standard price tickets here:

Please also RSVP for the pre-conference special with Allan Kelly & Kevlin Henney the evening before (free to all):

and the pre-conference dinner (£11):

Behind all the nerves I'm really looking forward to NorDevCon and I hope you are too!

See you there!

[address removed]



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