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Join us this week for lunch, JavaScript and the future of travel & more

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, April 13, 2015, 10:48 AM

Hi All

We hope you all had a good Easter! This week and the rest of April is quite busy for Norfolk Developers and May is shaping up to be busy too.


Please join us for lunch at All Bar One in Norwich on Wednesday (15th) 12.30pm. The Norwich Tech Lunches bring together members of Norfolk Developers and SyncNorwich and are relaxed and lots of fun. You can RSVP here:

Also on Wednesday, we are back at the Kings Centre from 6.30pm for our regular monthly meetup. This time we’ll be hearing from Peter Miller about ‘CoachTrain: the challenges of innovating the inter-urban public transportation system’ and from Frank Reding on ‘Tools for JavaScript’. You can find more details and sign-up here:

Places are limited, so please update your RSVP to ‘No’ if you can no longer make it.

On Wednesday the 22nd Lily Dart is visiting us to put on a workshop on Guerilla Testing. The workshop is already sold out, but Lily will also be speaking at the free evening event which SyncDevelopHER are hosting, also at the Kings Centre. You can RSVP here:


On Wednesday May 6th we’re being visited by Sumo Logic who will be telling about ‘Unlocking your IT data’ at our regular evening meetup at the Kings Centre from 6.30pm. We’re currently confirming the second session of the evening. You can find out more and RSVP here:

In May we’re running two workshops. The first is alongside NRUG and is a full day hands on workshop where you can learn ‘Ruby on Rails from Scratch’ on Wednesday 13th of May at the Kings Centre from 9.30am. It costs £30 and includes lunch. You can find out more and RSVP here:

The May lunch is on Wednesday 20th of May at All Bar One from 12.30pm. You can RSVP here:

The second workshop is on Wednesday 27th of May and is a full day introduction to Docker, given by Dom Davis at the Kings Center from 9.45am and costs £30. You can find out more and RSVP here:


We’re in the process of finalising June, but expect a presentation and workshop from IBM and a presentation from Ludo Peyry, speaking to Norfolk Developers for the first time.

We look forward to seeing you all throughout April, May and beyond.

Paul & Emily
[address removed]

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