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A Gathering Echo 2009

From: Dan
Sent on: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 2:46 PM
A Gathering Echo 2009 will be an Otherkin/metaphysical gather, held in the Houston, TX area over Labour Day weekend (September 4-7).
The focii will be metaphysical practice and social networking.
The target audience is primarily Otherkin, although there may be some non-Otherkin attendees.

This is a Hold-The-Date notice.
A more detailed announcement will be made closer to the date.

Reason for the date:
After the demise of FAE, inc., there was no public Texas Otherkin type gather in the Fall.
The focus of this gather is somewhat different from FAE, but it will fill that space in the calendar.
This will also put it before the Fall 'Faire season starts in Texas; some of the local Otherkin work TRF, so avoiding that is a Good Thing.

A Gathering Echo has been held privately for two years; this is the first public gather.
Dan O'Dea has been teaching workshops at Otherkin/Metaphysical gathers since 1999.
Dan O'Dea has been helping coordinate Otherkin/Metaphysical gathers since 2001.
SidheLady has been helping coordinate Otherkin/Metaphysical gathers since 2003.

Contact Information:
[address removed]

Site Information:
We have reserved a site that holds up to 50 attendees in tents, and about 10 in cabins.
We would like to reserve most of the cabin space for out of town attendees who won't be easily able to bring camping gear.
The site is in the Houston area, and is one we've used for other gathers in the past.

Schedule Information:
- Site opens at 2PM
- Arrival, setup
- Dinner, socializing
- Main Event Prep & Main Event
- Workshops, meals, socializing
- Main Event Prep & Main Event
- Workshops, meals, socializing
- Main Event Prep & Main Event
- Breakfast
- Packing & Cleaning
- Last Event
- Vacate premises by Noon
- Lunch somewhere nearby (with AC!)

Agenda Information:
The Agenda is being planned at this time. As this is an open gather, the focus will be on workshops that would benefit the general community. There will be three Main Events, one each Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. There will probably be 3-5 workshops each on Saturday and Sunday. If you have a workshop suggestion, please let us know.

Food Information:
The menu is not yet planned, but we will be covering meals from Friday dinner through Monday breakfast. Lunch on Monday is not covered, and usually is at a restaurant somewhere nearby.
If you have special dietary needs, please let us know.
There will be mayhaw cake.
-Those who've tried this before will appreciate having it again
-Those who haven't - ask Dan or SidheLady :)

Cost Information:
Cost is not finalized. It will probably be about $50-55 for tent campers, and about $65-75 for cabin space, but that isn't certain.
A finalized cost will be posted when we get closer to the date, and we have a better idea of the total number of attendees. (Smaller groups still cost the same total for the event space, so the per-person cost varies with the expected attendance: up with fewer attendees, down with more.)

Cost Disclaimer:
We don't make money on these events; actually, we usually lose money.
This is pretty much at-cost pricing, and we absorb any loss.

This gather is targeted at adults.
- Children are welcome, if their parents care for them.

Workshops attendance is expected to be adults-only.
- For any deviations from this, contact us in advance.
- We may or may not be able to accommodate your request.

The site allows pets only outdoors, and only on leashes.
- No pets in the cabins.
- No pets free-roaming.

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