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UAS Training Opportunity from Arlington Chamber of Commerce

From: Chad F.
Sent on: Friday, July 1, 2016, 5:42 PM

The free training won’t take place until January but we are screening individuals now, to get ahead of the game. If anyone is interested, he or she can give me a call or email me and I will set up a time to screen them. If you have any further questions please, let me know. I will be happy to answer them.  To see the original word document click here.

Tarrant County College Northwest Campus
Erma C. Johnson Hadley
Center of Excellence for Aviation, Transportation, and Logistics (CEATL)
2301 Horizon Dr. | Fort Worth, TX 76177 | Fort Worth Alliance Airport

The Arlington Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc. (ACF) was awarded the Wagner-Peyser grant, a grant to offer free training. The grant supports ACF to recruit and Tarrant County College District to train participants and provide an opportunity to gain knowledge in the Unmanned Autonomous and Vehicle Systems industry and an opportunity to obtain financial literacy education training.

Training will consist of a one week commitment to obtain 20 hours of financial literacy education and 16 hours of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) training.

An individual eligible for the training must:
• Be eighteen (18) to twenty-four (24) years of age;
• Be a United States (U.S.) citizen or a noncitizen authorized to work in the U.S.;
• If male, meet U.S. Military Selective Service registration requirements;
o Priority Service is to be provided to federally qualified Veterans or qualified spouses, state qualified veterans, and eligible foster youth.
• Be a new or incumbent worker, military veteran, or a member of an underrepresented population; and
• Be an out-of-school youth

Continuation in Education Unit= 1.6 hours
Participants who successfully complete the training, will obtain a certificate of completion from Tarrant County College District for the UAS 101 training.

Tiera Gandy, Manager
Education & Workforce Department
Arlington Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc.
[address removed]

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