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Ultimate Frisbee Anyone?

From: Jim H.
Sent on: Thursday, January 31, 2013, 11:39 AM

Hey Guys,

So, for a while now I have had conversations with people about how we used to play Ultimate Frisbee back in high school or college. That usually leads to - "We should get a game together some day".  Then, nothing comes of it. Well, I am feeling ready to make this happen and I wanted to get an idea of the interest that might be out there. Now, before you decide just think about this.

Ultimate Frisbee is:

  • A lot of fun
  • Great way to mix in some extra cardio (a lot of cardio)
  • Great team atmosphere
  • Great excuse to get outside
  • And you get to throw a frisbee around
  • Absolutely no experience needed
  • The rules are simple

Most likely, we would be playing in the Carlsbad area (there are several parks that are big enough and are close to the freeway). If you are at all interested or have any questions, reply back to me (use the reply button in the email) or go to the discussion board I have set up. We only need about 10 to 15 people to get a great game going, so I am sure that this be a go. Just check the schedule from time to time.

Take care and see you out there!



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