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Gig Buddies Update!

From: Loz (.
Sent on: Monday, June 28, 2010, 8:28 PM
Hi all

Welcome to anyone who has recently joined and especially to the new faces we saw on Friday night at the social meetup. Thanks for coming out and I hope you all had a great night. I will be organising another for August time - please check out the polls and vote for your preferred date.....

Not many gigs over the summer but we do have Splendour Festival in a few weeks time on 24th July. Gigs are picking up again in September and there are plenty listed on the ideas section of the site. Vote for your favourites and add any you'd like to go to. I will be listing them as events nearer the time.......

By the way, if anyone is interested in becoming an organiser for the group then just let me know. All help is always welcome to make this your group.

A few of you have mentioned the huge number of emails you get from Meetup. Unfortunately I can't control this very well as most are automatic. In general, each time a new gig is posted we will make an announcement email (well we try to but if there?s a lot going on we may not so keep checking back on the website!). Meetup sends 3 emails to remind you of an event. If, like me you find this is filling your inbox then simply go to... ?Account? then ?Membership and Communication? and 'edit email settings' where you can turn on or off the Automated Meetup Reminders for your groups.

And finally I'm abusing my powers as Organiser but later this month I will be hiking 20 pretty mountainous miles around the Dark Peaks to raise money for WaterAid. Any sponsorship would be greatly appreciated..... Thank you!

Hope to see you all in August!

Loz (Laura) and the organisers!