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What we’re about

ODinLA is a dynamic community of practitioners that has expanded beyond its original geography of Los Angeles. With more than 1,000 members and a rich history of sharing freely with one another, we are organized for the purpose of learning from and networking with each other.

Share best practices, internal jobs and consulting opportunities, and workshops that may be of interest to our members in our forum or LinkedIn group.

Each month, we hold events on a variety of topics ranging from proven methodologies to emerging tools to leading practices for managing a successful OD consulting firm. These events are hosted by our members for our members, and we welcome everyone from our most seasoned experts to our newest practitioners in the field to attend.

If you are interested in hosting an event or want to be part of our planning team, please contact one of our Organizers. We welcome any feedback, suggestions, or ideas you may have to keep our ODinLA community alive!