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Re: [Ubuntu-AE] Workik Meeting

From: Zulfiqar Ali K.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 6:43 PM

As per the councils wishes we are going public with our activities now. I will send an "official" invite to Emirates-Loco group as tonight and you are all welcome to come join us.

On the 4th we are having our regular meetup which usually happens on monthly basis. We are also in the process of putting up a website which will list all over activities/team members/future projects/etc.

I hope this will bring more transparency to our activities and will encourage others to join us in promoting ubuntu in a better way.


Zulfiqar Ali Khan

On 10/31/12 3:49 PM, Neil Oosthuizen wrote:
On 31/10/[masked]:43, Waleed Jameel wrote:
Pavilion is good & central, easy parking, sadly average coffee.


On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 10:22 PM, Zulfiqar Ali Khan <[address removed]> wrote:

Thank you guys for your support it was a great work session and we achieved a lot. We will meet on the 4th Nov as planned for our next meetup.

I will send the invite to the other forums to come and join us. Please extend the invites to your friends and colleagues and lets makes it a success.

Should we meet at the "Pavilion" like last time or look for another suitable location which is convenient for others?


As there has been several of us not in the loop could you perhaps give some info on this meetup?

Regards and thanks

PS - Also juggling to many mailing lists at the moment... something that we will need to address...

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