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FREE- Linux Training, classes going to start from August 16'th

From: Joseph J.
Sent on: Saturday, August 2, 2014, 9:05 AM
Hi All,
Happy to inform you that we are going to restart the Free training, There are 4 different level of training which the candidates could choose depending on their expertise, they are

Linux Desktop Basic User needs:-
Linux Desktop Advanced Users :-
Linux Basic Suport and System Administration :-
Enterprise Solutions :-

Right now we have only candidates registered for “Linux Desktop basic User needs”. The training location will be in and around Bur-Dubai – Karama or Dubai Silicon oasis. I have to get confirmation from Ajas and Peter for the venue

We plan to conduct this training from August 16'th. The max no of Attendees is 6 to 7. Interested candidates please let me know though email or phone with their contact details.

As we had stated earlier all this training which we are doing on Saturdays will be free as long as we get the training hall free. Candidates should bring their own laptop which will be used to install Linux during the class training

Joseph John

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