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Dana Carpenter's Meditation and Introspection Workshop

From: Judy L.
Sent on: Friday, August 8, 2014, 1:29 PM



From: Joious Melodi [mailto:[address removed]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 5,[masked]:33 PM
Subject: Dana Carpenter's Meditation and Introspection Workshop



Inner journey practices leading to the full expression of your soul purpose

​​Moving Forward on the Path to Self-Realization Part 1




DATE: Saturday, August 9, 2014

LOCATION: Yoga Home of Therapeutics, 5801 W Britton Road, Suite K, OKC, OK 73132

TIME: 2:00pm – 6:00pm

PRESENTERS: Dana Carpenter, MPH

COST: $50 (pay online @



What is self-realization? Some describe it as the fulfillment of one’s own potential. My friend Deb Evans with the Eros Dei Dictum seminary shares that accessing and connecting consciously in each moment to the soul and living life through the perspective and beingness of the divine soul is self-realization. Abraham Maslow defined self-actualization as “The impulse to convert oneself into what one is capable of being”.Paramahansa Yogananda has defined self-realization as “the knowing — in body, mind, and soul — that we are one with the omnipresence of God”.


Let us explore what self-realization means to you and how we go about moving forward in our life quest to become all that we are capable of being, expressing freely and without restriction the true nature of our being.


What does it take to become self-realized? Years of intense study? Kindness and compassion? A life of service? Deep silence and stillness? A reverence for nature and all living things? Mastery of the elements and the laws that govern life on this planet? Meditation and introspection? Utilizing the Self Realization Guide we will review spiritual concepts, receive individual guidance through meditation, and learn everyday practices that can be used to move us toward this state of consciousness.


Techniques and practices will be presented in such a way that every individual will receive what is needed whether you are new to meditation or have studied meditation for many years. Wear comfortable clothes for sitting during meditation. Bring ajournal to record insights received during the workshop.


Dana Carpenter, MPH provides a meditation school at Unity Spiritual Life Center in Oklahoma City.

She is a student of Audle Allison, has been meditating since 1974 and teaching meditation since 2000. Contact Dana on Facebook or visit


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