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What we’re about

We Welcome You to OWIB- Orlando Women in Business
Join our community on Facebook:
Orlando Women in Business is a different kind of networking group. We are a relationship-building group. This group is dedicated to helping women in business reach high levels of success. This is an invitation to all women business owners, entrepreneurs, or women who work in any capacity in the business world.
Our group meets quarterly. Some meetings will be catered and free or food provided by a company that will host us, some meetings you may have to buy lunch, and for some of the meetings our organizer will cater free of charge.
Our members spend quality time with each other really getting to know each other. Each attendee may bring samples, products, displays, or visuals to share and show. Everyone will have the opportunity to talk about their business. 
We will have a guest speaker for 15 minutes at each event. This is not someone talking about sales. This will be a speaker offering value about business growth, motivation, inspiration, and coaching.
We will select a businesswoman of the month.
Our membership is FREE! Join us now and meet a group of like-minded women.
We Focus on Helping & Inspiring Women
Women need inspiration and motivation, and a place to grow and excel. Women offer so much to the business world and to the community. There is a need for places where women can lead and share. Orlando has so many great businesswomen waiting to take their place in leadership.
We are women helping women, women inspiring women, and women teaching and mentoring is our vision.
We are a free group but do require reservations to attend. Our membership rules can be found on the About Us page of this website.
We do require a photo or business logo for your profile photo, we require that your profile be filled out completely with contact information, and we do require the first and last names of the person who is joining. This is a professional business networking group and members must be engaged in business, employed representing their company, entrepreneurs, starting up or newly engaging in business or network marketing.
We accept all women from all industries and all walks of life.
OWIB Believes that even the savviest businesswoman gets her inspiration from somewhere! We believe that Women are powerful creators, passionate and compassionate leaders and that women are the heart and backbone of our world’s businesses, homes, and communities
Our Mission is to inspire and empower women to a greater dimension to find their inner wisdom, and strengths, and to follow their passion and live rich authentic lives.
Our Network welcomes all women from all walks of life.
We recognize that diversity in our relationships creates opportunities.
If you are a woman-owned businesswoman with a creative business concept, we would like you to join our online business community. We ask that once you become a member you participate in the many activities. Your participation is greatly encouraged and welcomed ― we strongly recommend that you ask questions and share your perspectives.
If you feel led to help this organization in any way please contact the organization's President,
Shelley Costello
Visit our site to RSVP for all of our Chapter luncheons.
Thank You
1. You are required to have your real name, a photo, or company logo to request membership.
2. Once you RSVP for an in-person event on meetup, you are required to text me (number in the meetup details) with your name, and on the evening before the event you must text me again "CONFIRM" to the phone number. I cannot have " No Shows". I give the restaurant a head count and they pay to bring in extra personnel, they are planning on us showing up.

3. You are required to complete the profile questions including the name of your company, what your business does, and the industry.
Thank you.