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What we’re about

Hello and welcome to Omaha Boardgamers!

As our membership grows, so does our diversity in the type of games and sub-groups that we offer; there truly is something for everyone here.

Each subgroup offers something a little different from one another so depending on what type of games or gaming style you like you are bound to find something that fits you.

Our Sponsor The Game Shoppe has several game nights that offer a variety of games and opportunities to learn, these are offered:

Fridays at The Game Shoppe Omaha 

Saturday and Mondays at The Game shoppe Bellevue and various other times as can be posted by our members.

Saturday nights at Sparta game shop is our more traditional game night of old and new school board/card games of both small and large groups, bring your own to share or just bring yourself as we have several.

Council Bluffs Library has a game night on Tuesdays ran by one of our members as well.

And, there are often impromptu game times opened up by our members at Spielbound and other area venues with different planned games and activities.

Pretty much anything goes so long as it's clean, welcomes all in friendly game play and accepting of each other. Come alone or bring friends and try out our different gaming opportunities.