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Please vote for the musical "Mamma Mia"

From: SM
Sent on: Monday, December 16, 2013, 5:36 PM

Dear members

How are you? I hope all of you are fine and well.

As I know so many of our members like musical, I am thinking of going to see "Mamma Mia". I'd searched for any special discount but unfortunately there is no such discount. Because this musical is so popular, it is even difficult to buy tickets. Therefore, I need to know how many of you would like to see this musical and when the best date is for you guys.

Once the date is decided, I will collect a ticket fee for a short time and buy tickets immediately. Unless we see it in February, many seats in the center had gone and those middle seats are VIPs. VIP seats are too expensive, don't  you think?

However, I need to know what you guys think about arranging this musical night.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


All the best wishes,


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