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Re: [Options-for-Income] Meeting Recap and Next Month Announcement

From: Jeff P
Sent on: Friday, June 13, 2014, 5:04 PM
So sorry I couldn't make it...  I will be there on July 9!

Jeff Payne
[address removed]

On Jun 13, 2014, at 10:39 AM, Mike <[address removed]> wrote:


To all of the members who missed this month's meeting, you missed a lot.  One of our members Steve Gould did a fantastic presentation about what he has learned by watching Tasty Trade videos and the live shows. He put together a great review about the studies and conclusions TT has come up with doing back testing.  This generated a lot of great discussions from back testing to when to enter a trade.

Next month, another member Mike Mitchell has offered to do a presentation of neutral strategies.  I have reviewed the material and it is great for sure.  I will also put together a follow up presentation on placing credit spreads at different strikes and pros and cons of each method.

Also one of our members offered information to get commission rates as low as $.30 / contract with a minimum $500 fee for the year. If you do a lot of trading and have a large account, this might say you a lot of money.

Lastly, we had a fantastic turn out for the meeting. A lot of old and new faces! We were at capacity.  Based on this and the positive feedback I received, please sign up early for July.  If we get the same level of commitment, I might either have to cap the participation level or find a larger space.  The earlier you sign up the better chance I have of making a venue change.

I look forward to our next meeting!



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