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New Meetup: Special CS4 Launch Meeting: OC ColdFusion and OC Flash User Groups Joint Meeting

From: Cynthia G.
Sent on: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 8:27 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Orange County MultiMedia Meetup!

What: Special CS4 Launch Meeting: OC ColdFusion and OC Flash User Groups Joint Meeting

When: September 25,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Our 2 Adobe User Groups, OC Flash and OC ColdFusion, are having a joint meeting for this very special Adobe event.

It?s Going To Be Brilliant!

Be one of the first to see the next big thing from Adobe on September 25th. Join in to see and hear first hand how something very special will help you get to brilliant faster. Save the date and get a good look at what?s to come.

As an added treat, were having a very special presenter on

Creating ColdFusion API to Excel and using Java classes from within ColdFusion

The goal is to give an overview of how to create your own custom Java classes and exploit them from within ColdFusion. We?ll also talk about when, why and, most importantly, what does it take to be able to use all that Java power in your ColdFusion applications. After a generic overview we will focus on how to build an API to Excel using jexcelapi (, which recently seems to be a popular research subject for a lot of CF developers, since <cfcontent>, <cfheader> and <cfdocument> do not give you a lot of flexibility to dynamically create binary spread sheets. We will see how to store data in multiple sheets of an Excel workbook, put various styles around it, as well as see how to save <cfchart> report as in image in a workbook.

Learn more here:

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