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What we’re about

We are a premier networking group in Orange County designed to build your network of business partners. If you are currently in BNI, a local chamber member or just looking to grow your business you should join us today.

Orange County Referral Networking is an independent networking group based here in Orange County.  This is our 5th year of successful networking that has held over 100 meetings and over $500,000 worth of confirmed referred business to our members.   We did all of this without ever charging ANY fees to our members, meeting only 1 hour every other week, and never making members attend restaurants whether they wanted to or not.  All meetings are held in our office conference room in Irvine.

Our 1-hour meetings are held every other week to not take more than a lunch hour of your time.  The 5 G's structure of our meetings are as follows:

Greetings (basic housekeeping items)
Get to know networkers' businesses (2-5 min elevator pitch about your business)
Get Knowledge (Deeper dive through questions)
Get Money (Identify potential leads, pass referrals, exchange contact info to pass leads)
Get Out 

We ask that you are professional, are prepared with business cards and have an elevator pitch about your business.  It is also important that you attend regularly.  Referrals happen ONLY after you have made connections with other networkers, and they trust you enough to do a good job for their clients and loved ones.  Regular attendance is the best way to make those connections.

Upcoming events (4+)

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