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Re: [orlandophp] PHP Assistance - Modular?

From: Jorge C.
Sent on: Thursday, August 16, 2012, 12:23 PM
Ok I think I misunderstood your original question. It sounds like you'll have to follow Joseph's solution of using a version control system (git). You could separate the core part of your code that will ALWAYS be the same for ALL clients from the part that's DIFFERENT and specific to each client with what I mentioned. If you're doing unit testing you definitely should look at PHPUnit, like Joseph mentioned.


Jorge Colon
Director of Web Development

Zend Certified Engineer

Sent from my mobile device

On Aug 16, 2012, at 12:10 PM, Joseph  Persie <[address removed]> wrote:

Commit a copy to github and clone the file in whichever project necessary. Whenever an update is made you execute the pull command from whichever repo you wish to update. You should also include a conf file to configure settings peculiar to each client in order to keep the testing classes consistent. You also may want to check out phpunit instead of reinvesting the wheel

Craig London <[address removed]> wrote:


I have a file that I use to do some testing for work.  It has been working well, except whenever I have to work on a new client, I have to clone that file and make a few edits.  So when I want to make improvements to the concept in whole, I need to make the edits to all the files.  How do I make this more modular?  I have no formal PHP experience and just self taught HTML.

Thanks guys!

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