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Great American Stand up comedian performing June 27th in Paris

From: Sebastian
Sent on: Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 2:26 AM

I wanted to inform you of a great American stand up comedian who is in Paris this week and who will be performing this Wednesday, June 27th at 8:30 at the Sound Gallery in the 10th (104 Quai de Jemmapes)! His name is TOM RHODES ( and he has been doing stand up for years. I remember seeing him on Comedy Central when I was a teenager! He has been on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and has done 2 Comedy Central Presents. It is a real treat to have him in Paris so take advantage of this opportunity to see great comedy for less than what you would pay in NY or LA!!
I believe tickets are 15 for students, 20 at the door and 18 if you reserve in advance.
For further info and to reserve please e-mail the following address: [address removed]
Please come out to support such great comedy acts so that we can continue bringing them over here!

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