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New Meetup: Jazz at Olde School Saloon and Bistro

From: Margaret
Sent on: Tuesday, May 4, 2010, 6:37 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for PartyExpress !! Let's Get Together and have Fun!!

What: Jazz at Olde School Saloon and Bistro

When: Friday, June 4,[masked]:00 PM

Olde School Saloon and Bistro
418 State St
New Haven, CT 06510

Nick DiMaria is performing Jazz at Olde School Saloon and Bistro 8pm!!


Lets meetup early for a bite to eat and so any new members will have a chance to get to know the group. This is a great place to socialize and get to know everyone.

The newly-opened Olde School Saloon and Bistro (418 State St.;[masked], nods to New Haven nostalgia with its vintage copper-top bar, historical Hull?s Beer signs, 1946 beer cooler and play-your-own vinyl record collection. The owner's play a nice mix of music from the 70's and 80's.

Their Crabmeat Stuffed Mushrooms are to die for as are the Gourmet Nachos covered in Italian sausage, Gorgonzola, mozzarella, cheddar, and hot peppers; Spicy Peel and Eat shrimp,three different types of wings, I could go and on...enough to say that the food and drink are great! The atmosphere delightful and the owners attentive and fun!!

Learn more here:

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