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Recap - April 7th's Meetup & more on The Ginger Man:

From: jess
Sent on: Thursday, April 8, 2010, 12:57 AM

Please see the above link for the message board - below is copied and pasted from a post I just put up there.
Please feel free to share thoughts, ideas, opinions, insights, links on the message board, and to start new discussions if you'd like!


Hi all,
We had a great first meetup with the new group.
There were 10 of us total - 4 of us from the original group prior to, and 6 new folks.
We had quite the variety of feedback for The Ginger Man, and it was great to hear everyone's insight.

Here's the link that went out with one of the last notices, with info on the book if you're interested:

And here is an interview with who I think is the real "Mary" (I don't think she's Marion because the article says they moved to London together), talking about the real "Sebastian" and the making of the book:

The Ginger Man pub in NYC (a bunch in Texas, too)

If you have any info or insights you'd like to share, whether you attended the meeting or read the entire book or not, feel free to post them here.

And happy reading for the next month (Consider the Lobster by David Foster Wallace).....

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