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What Could be More Exciting????

From: Carlo D.
Sent on: Saturday, March 2, 2013, 9:54 PM

Good Evening Fellow Writers:

I hope everyone’s weekend is going well.

Don’t forget to check out some of the exciting events happening this year:


The Coffee Break Screenwriter With Pilar Alexandra

March 6th 7 to 10pm

AZ Virtual Studios


Creating Unforgettable Characters With Richard Walter

April 20th 11am to 2pm

Az Virtual Studios


Let’s Talk Financing With Adrian Ward

May 4th 11am to 2pm

Az Virtual Studios


Writing The Historically Based Screenplay With Randall Jahnson

May 11th 11am to 2pm

Az Virtual Studios


Pitches, Loglines & Queries, Oh My!

June 1st 11am to 2pm

Az Virtual Studios


We also have screenplay table reads every other week (now on Tuesdays starting in April)


Look forward to seeing you all there.
