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Massively improve your photography skills in less than two months

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Thursday, September 20, 2012, 3:15 PM

IN less than two months you can dramatically improve your photography skills by attending the Fall program of classes at Photography Workshops.

Specifically tailored to improve your skills the Fall Photo School series is a 6 workshop intensive course spread over two months.  In three evenings (Fridays)  and three full one-day workshops (Sundays) you will be given a complete course in the key elements of photography. Suitable for beginneres and intermediate photographers the strict limit of six on the group size means that everyone will get the best of attention.

There are over 40 hours of instruction and at just  $575 for the whole course, that works out to be less than $15 per hour for some of the best teaching around.  Or put anohter way it's a complete series fo classes that is guaranteed to improve your photography for less than the cost of a new lens.

The classes are held on Froday Evenings in Pembroke on Sept 28th, Oct 7th and Oct 19th.

The full day classes are on Sundays as follows:-

Sun Oct 7th outdoors 10am - 5pm Boston

Landscape Photography
Sunday Oct 14th - Fall Foliage Landscape trip to Vermont 7am - 10pm

Sunday Nov 4, 15 9am - 12 noon indoors  and 2pm - 5pm Outdoors


The Friday evening workshops will include an extended session on the key skills  of

Camera Control

Developing your eye,

Macro photography  


At then end of the series you can propduce a portfolio and be provided with a one on one analysis and assessment of your work.


Payment plans are available if you need to spread the cost.

Check out the full details at:

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