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A few thgings to consider

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Thursday, November 1, 2012, 11:09 AM




During November Photography Workshops will be offering a mix of new and familiar classes starting this coming Saturday  with a must have workshop that will get you thinking in Black and White,  and ending with a full weekend of portraiture on November 24th.  In between there will be workshops that stretch your creative juices and exercise your shutter finger.  Check them out below.


Photography workshops is also  pleased to announce that in addition to the availability of scholarships for some of the classes, PayPal is making its Bill me Later service available for some of our more expensive classes.


Thinking in Black and White   Sat Nov 3  $55

Converting color images to back and white in post processing rarely produces the best results. The most successful monochromatic images are designed and planned before the shutter is pressed. Account must be taken of light, shadow, texture, contrast, and shape.  Come along to this fun and challenging workshop and learn how to think and see in black and white.


Night Photography         Friday 9 th Nov  $35

Have fun in this small group as we tackle Harvard Square at Night. Includes a handout on night shooting.


Image Critique Night       Friday Nov 16   $20

One of the best ways to improve as a photographer is to have your images constructively critiqued. Come along and bring your images to our ever popular critique night for an in depth critique that goes way beyond the few seconds of comment you will find at your camera club meeting.


Depth of Field Master-class      Sat Nov 17  $40

Join this small group workshop tackling the finer points of depth of field. Learn how to correctly calculate and apply the correct amount of focus in your shots. Understand how to use selective focus to isolate key elements in your shot.


Mastering Canon Flash  (Second Chance)  Sunday Nov 18   $40 

The ever popular flash workshop for Canon Flash users returns for another opportunity to get to grips with your flash in time for the holiday party season.   A version for Nikon users is in preparation for the new year.


The High School Senior Portrait   Friday Nov 23   $55

If you want to make money at your hobby or are already a budding senior photography who wants to garner a wealth of useful tips and tricks that will have you increasing your client list and your income,  then come along to this session in which Ian will share much of his  knowledge and experience of successful senior photography.


Intensive Portrait Weekend   Saturday Nov 24 and Sunday Nov 25  $325

Read the reviews of our previous  portrait workshops  and you will see that this full weekend of portraiture is an excellent resource for those wishing to expand into the portraiture arena.  Not only will you get to photograph several models and add to your portfolio, you will learn the many tips and tricks of working with and relating to the client that will get you the best shots. A bargain at $325

·        Fantastic course! I went from taking iphone looking shots to near-professional stuff...Ian is a great teacher, very patient and very generous" Walt

Useful and practical information packed into the well thought out agenda.” Jean

"Lots of very eye-opening information. I came to the workshop with a list of questions and Ian answered all of them without me having to ask. Thanks, Ian, for generously sharing what you've learned in your business experience".. Denise

"This master class with Ian was worth every cent and time invested. Ian covered all the basic portrait lighting techniques, gears and set up but more importantly, the ins and outs of running a successful portrait business. In this increasingly competitive market, where every Joe, Bob and Mary with a DSLR claims to be a professional, it is rare to find a true seasoned professional that is so genuinely interested in sharing all the secrets of the trade that he has amassed during his thirty plus years of photography". Donald

"great introduction to studio lighting techniques and how to take a head shot. As usual, Ian added a bonus by providing us a cliff notes course on business psychology 101 for the emerging pro photographer as well as sharing his experiences as a working photographer-- all very enlightening. Would recommend this class to anyone thinking about getting nto photography as a full time business". Alfred


If you are seeking scholarships or assistance with any of the above classes please contact Ian directly at [address removed] .  Photography Workshops provides free of charge one in ten spaces on its workshops.



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