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Take it up a notch (or two or three) !

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Friday, January 9, 2015, 7:01 PM
Tomorrow I am hosting a class at the new 'toasty warm' studio in Pembroke for anyone who is a beginner with a little knowledge who would like to get to grips with some of the more confusing elements like "Exposure control",  "metering modes" , the "histogram" and mastering "depth of field".

There are still a few spaces left for this one day class which runs from 10am until 4pm.   I also have a couple of scholarship spaces available courtesy of the fine folks at Duxbury Camera Club.  Email me for details: 

Come along and spend a day getting the skills and techniques that produce better photographs.  I promise to make the learning painless and fun. 

Check it out at: https://www.meetup...­

Best Regards
Ian Murray 

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