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Spanish meetup picnic Tuesday

From: Laurie
Sent on: Saturday, August 31, 2013, 9:25 AM

Hola otra vez,
Sorry to bug everyone with another email, but we now have 3 days until our picnic and still only 10 people have RSVPd.  If anyone else plans to attend, please RSVP and sign up for a food item as soon as possible, to give us attendees some idea of how much food to bring.  See details from my last email below.

Our annual potluck picnic Spanish meetup is Tuesday September 3rd - at Sumac Pointe picnic area in Livonia (see our website for map/directions).  We currently have 10 people who have RSVP'd.  If anyone else plans to join us, please RSVP as soon as possible so we all know how much food to bring.  (I'm sure more than 10 of our 166 members would like to attend!)
Everyone had a good time at our picnic last year.  Like last year, our dance instructor member Raymond will be giving dance lessons after dinner - this time he plans to teach merengue and bachata if there's time for both.

When you RSVP for the meetup, please list what food item you plan to bring.  You can see what everyone else has signed up to bring on this page:
Also, you can list your food item on this page (after you log in, you can see the box that says "Hey {your name}, join the conversation!")

By the way, the food doesn't have to be Mexican/Spanish, and doesn't have to be homemade (some of us are just bringing restaurant food).  If anyone needs a suggestion for what to bring, so far nobody has signed up for any type of bread or rolls, or cut veggies, or guacamole.


Que tengan un buen fin de semana larga!




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