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Re: [Point-And-Shoot] '2D' Short Film

From: Brad J G.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 12, 2014, 12:18 AM
Hi Farazi,
I'm shooting a scene for youtube video at a restaurant in Kew, Ricmond on Thursday 13th from 10.30am to 4pm. A cast of 4 for a short 4 minute scene about a larger than life woman whose a princess in her own mind, and thinks the world revolves around her, and it usually does. She's more interested in her phone than in her handsome date, who get fed up with her behaviour. Its a humourous scene I wrote as a showreel scene.
I have a camera man but wondered if you knew someone who would be interested in joining the team to handle the boom microphone and monitor the sound on the H6 recorder.
If you knew someone that would be brilliant?
Sorry I haven't been to the meetings.
bye for now,

Sent: Wednesday, March 05,[masked]:42 AM
Subject: [Point-And-Shoot] '2D' Short Film

Hello All,

One of our productions '2D' requires an actor/stand-in for a test shoot this Sunday 9th March.

2D - Synopsis

Life is just a game. Literally.

Remember the early '90s, when video games existed in a 2-dimensional world, and our hero could only move in a sideways scrolling fashion?

Follow the adventures of Simon, in his 2D sideways scrolling world, as he sets out for an all-important job interview. On his quest he will face obstacles and perils and he will have to use all of his skill and guile in order to achieve his ultimate goal: employment!

If you are available this Sunday and want to get involved please contact the writer-director, David (see here) or Private Witt.

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