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'2D' Short Film

From: Far
Sent on: Wednesday, March 5, 2014, 12:42 AM

Hello All,

One of our productions '2D' requires an actor/stand-in for a test shoot this Sunday 9th March.

2D - Synopsis

Life is just a game. Literally.

Remember the early '90s, when video games existed in a 2-dimensional world, and our hero could only move in a sideways scrolling fashion?

Follow the adventures of Simon, in his 2D sideways scrolling world, as he sets out for an all-important job interview. On his quest he will face obstacles and perils and he will have to use all of his skill and guile in order to achieve his ultimate goal: employment!

If you are available this Sunday and want to get involved please contact the writer-director, David (see here) or Private Witt.

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