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New Meetup: Pool Meetup

From: Carmen
Sent on: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 7:19 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Pool club!

What: Pool Meetup

When: July 21,[masked]:30 PM

The Palace Pool Hall
Camden Street

How about another Pool night? Last time out, we ended up venturing further afield to another pub! Looking to play and beat a couple of strangers, but no-one was that interested in a duel! Depending on how many of you sign up for next Tuesday, we'll probably go to the Palace again. But, I'm always open to suggestions smile.

Even if you can't make it at 6.30, we're usually around for a few hours!

As usual, you can text me if you can't make it on the night.

Hope to see a few of the new signings there!


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