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Soul Retrieval Workshop, This Wednesday, 6-9pm

From: Cara L.
Sent on: Monday, June 25, 2012, 1:35 PM
Hi All,
There are a few spaces left in my Soul Retrieval Workshop this Wednesday evening and I just posted it on meetup. Just reply to this email to register, or pass it on.
Have a great day:)
Here are the Details:
Bring Your Soul Pieces Back to Restore Your Vitality
Wed, June 27th, 6-9 pm
$40 ($30 for repeat attendance)
SE Portland near Mt. Tabor
cara@caraklee to register

“Years after the soul retrieval workshop with Cara I can still feel the soul piece that I brought back. The experience was deeply healing and I often reflect on the images I received.”
        ~Heather Pittman, LMT, Foot Bar Body Bar Owner

During stressful and overwhelming events, parts of the soul may split off in order to protect the being. Soul loss can occur with any type of traumatic event as well as accidents, surgery, events at work, serious illness, moving, loss of loved ones and ending relationships. Long term conditions such as discrimination and oppression can also result in a disconnection with one’s soul. In the ancient shamanic practice of soul retrieval it is necessary to make space for and invite back the parts of your soul that have become disconnected.

Learn about the ancient shamanic practice of soul retrieval and bring back your own soul pieces in a safe space. You will be guided in meditations to retrieve missing parts of yourself and re-connect with them. Once integrated, you will feel more calm, full and whole. Physical, mental and emotional symptoms can be improved. Soul pieces are a source of vitality and energy that get cut off during stressful and traumatic events.

I take a playful approach to soul work and each workshop is unique because it is determined by the energy of the group. We’ll have time for questions, reflection, sharing and snack breaks. You don’t need any previous experience and there will be something for all levels.

Open to all.

Benefits of Soul Retrieval:

  • Feel more whole, complete and like your true self
  • Feel more peaceful about the past and excited about your future
  • Release symptoms of primary or secondary trauma
  • Release repetitive patterns and chronic disease
  • Feel more “at home” in your body
What to Bring:
Wear comfortable clothing
Bring a journal or notebook and pen if you’d like
I will have snacks, tea and water for the break.

Feel free to call or email me with questions.

Cara Lee
Subtle Communication Training
Phone:  [masked]
Email:  [address removed]
Subtle Energy Training, Consulting and Mentoring

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