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Should we choose a new book?

From: Rebecca
Sent on: Thursday, April 16, 2009, 10:41 PM
Hi all. Well, I have just received word from one of our members that our newest selection is only in hardcover and it has not been released yet, translated and in the States, in paperback. This may affect you decision to purchase the book. I am going to post this message on the message board. If you have any particular thoughts on the matter, please voice your opinion. Another book we could choose, one which has been on the radar for a while, is Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, and I was also thinking about Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie.

So let me know if you feel strongly about it. Would you like to:
1) Stick with our first pick
2) Switch to Blink
3) Switch to Agatha

Log into meetup, visit the Book Club page, and add your opinion on the message board. Thanks!