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What we’re about

This group was developed for those who are interested in enhancing their intuitive nature,and  connecting with their spiritual life force through meditation and other means. We are seeking people who are interested in psychic and medium development,natural law, inner peace,meditation,spirit communication,healing,Native American studies and universal energy.  As well as Green building and community building projects and retreats.

I am a professional psychic medium and have been teaching these skills and other esoteric teachings for the past 15 years. I want to share my knowledge and energy with the group, and learn from others as well.

Cassadaga is known for being a Psychic Medium town since the 18th century.  It was settled here because of the incredible energy in the area.  This energy can be measured via magnetic instruments. 
These centers are most commonly called an energy vortex much like the ones in Sedona Arizona.   These energy centers help the psychics who practice here to connect with other dimensions.  There is an incredible energy vortex on the property where we will hold our meet-up, come check it out.  Beginners Welcome.

Many Blessings, Pastor Peter Kennell

Founder and Principle Stone Carrier of The Native American Church of Spirit Talks