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Quantified Self Global Conference

From: Florian S.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 16, 2013, 10:55 AM

Dear QSers,

this is a message from the QS Labs with important information about the upcoming QS Global Conference.




Dear QS Friends,


October 10th and 11th the Quantified Self global Conference will take part in San Francsico in the Presidio Officer's Club. A QS conference is a wonderful event where toolmakers, tool users, academics, and scientists come together to share and learn. It's like a meetup, except much bigger and two days long! There will be amazing show&tell talks, product demos, and insightful discussions. The conference organizers at QS Labs, are offering you, as a meetup member, the chance to register for $299. That is $200 off the regular ticket price ($499)! These tickets are very limited and when they're gone, they're gone. You'll have the first chance to purchase a discounted ticket, so make sure to buy your ticket as soon as possible. In order to purchase your discounted ticket you'll need to enter in our secret QS Meetup member code on the registration page. Make sure to click "Enter promotional code" then enter: qsmember13. We only ask that you not share this link as the number of discount tickets is limited.


After much discussion we booked a great venue in San Francisco, because we know that people who come from far away want to be in the city rather than on the outskirts. The downside is that, if you are traveling from out of town, you have to book a room in one of the most popular cities in the US during the most beautiful month of the year. We beg you not to procrastinate. Hotel rooms get harder to reserve every week, starting now. We’ve secured a limited number of hotel rooms reserved with group rates at nearby hotels. Please firm up your plans as soon as you can.


Thank you for being part of the QS community, and we really hope to see you in October in San Francisco.

{Gary, Ernesto & the QS Labs Team}



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