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Quantified Self Europe Conference

From: John A.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 12:20 PM

Hello San Diego Quantified Self members!

There is another QS conference in the works... this time in Europe! See details below:

This week we are announcing the QS conference in Amsterdam to our local meetup groups. The conference will be November 26-27 and we have room for up to 300 self-tracking enthusiasts to do a lot of what we did in Mountain View back in May. We will convene in Amsterdam and share projects, learn from each other and collaborate to keep making this movement awesome. 

Register here:

The first 100 tickets are discounted, and we also have scholarships available.

**Please don't tweet/spread it too widely yet, since we want to let our meetup group members sign up first.** In two weeks, we'll post an official announcement on the QS blog.


Keep our eyes peeled for more updates and information to follow!


Have a great day!


John Amschler


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