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New Event: Queens LI Social Networking Kickoff Event / Wine Tasting

From: user 4.
Sent on: Monday, April 30, 2007, 10:17 PM
Announcing a new event for The Queens Long Island Urban Social Networking Group!

What: Queens LI Social Networking Kickoff Event / Wine Tasting

When: Saturday, May 19, 5:30 PM

Event fee: USD5.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Due to the surprising and immediate support I thought it necessary to push up the first meeting a little earlier than originally planned. And luckily for us, this event will fit our needs. So on the 24th the guys from Vintage Liquors will be doing their second anniversary party. Hold up now!!! Don?t get this confused. This is not the local liquor store that you go in and the employee serves you from behind the glass. This is a very quaint shop that carries mostly wines. Vintages staff will walk you around the store and educate you on the different types of wines and their associated taste. This event will be well worth your time, the owner is a young African American MD and his staff is a beautiful mix of people willing to cater to your needs.

Last years event was full of enchanting people of all professions mixing and mingling inside the store and in the back courtyard tasting a variety of wines while biting into some of the tastiest catered appetizers. Oh yeah and we can?t forget the music... According to D the wine guru this year theme will be Mardi gras with out the girls gone wild. So to recap the kickoff event will consist of liqour, music, food, new Queens LI connects and wine 101 all for $5!! So RSVP now to hold a spot for a great event to start your Saturday evening out right!!!!

Dress Code Casual (shoes required)

I thought it would be appropriate to give a pre event guide so that people could have a simple way of choosing to attend especially since the next event may not be exactly the same vibe.

Bring friends or other half = Both
PG or R= PG
Timbs / Sneakers / Shoes = Shoes

Events ends at 9:30 so remember to be on time.

PS Shout out to my business partner Lou for signing up!! I'm going to need your detail skills!!!

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