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Thanks for joining up...

From: Nate S.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 8:52 PM
Hi folks,

Thanks for being early adopters. Your enthusiasm gives this steam.

You might notice we already have some events being added in the Berwyn area, courtest of Osrwol1. We'll have more added from Galactic Force, Chicagoland Games, and I am hoping Games Plus in the near future to help flesh things out. I'm going to get to work on some means of "matrixing" your interests to try to determine where our initial demand is.

I'll be at Gen Con Indy next week, and I'll be making the rounds to various companies to drum up some support. Thanks to my background with and my role in the Chicago Toy and Game Fair, I should come back with some support to help get this off the ground.

Please scope the message boards and drop some ideas in there for me and others to review, comment and possibly expound upon. I'm a good organizer, but I won't profess to being a terrific roleplayer... I'm going to be leveraging you and other community members to fill in the gaps.

I have already started reaching out to other local RPG communities to make a few connections to add content to the calendar.

Thanks for being a member!

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